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  • Blanca Izquierdo

What I wish I knew before my senior season

Senior season is very emotional and intense for every student-athletes. They want to make the most out of every second spent on the court. During my senior season, the 2018 Tarleton volleyball team became the first in the program history that made it to the NCAA Championship. It was a season full of records and success but above all, it was an eye-opening experience that changed my whole perspective of life.

For those athletes in their senior season this is what you need to know and I wish I knew:

1-Be thankful

One of the things volleyball have thought me is that I have no control over many aspects of my life. I don’t know why I am a good volleyball player and other people aren’t. Talent is innate and it’s a duty. I know many people who would give all they have to play college sports; be thankful for this opportunity. Be aware of your impact on other’s lives. Your example can inspire and lead many. Throughout the game, we share emotions not only with our teammates, but with everyone who believes in us. Sports create unity and it’s just in this unity when true happiness happens.


Playing sports is like meditating—all your attention is on the now. Especially when you’re in the middle of a game and the rest of the world fades away. The adrenaline of gameday is what I miss the most. It makes you feel alive. During my freshman, sophomore, and junior years I played many games without motivation. I was merely going through the motions. My senior year my mentality changed (and I wish it had before). Play every game like it was your last and you’ll leave the court with no regrets.

3-Remember why you started

When something is about to end, we look back and remember how it started. Who would’ve thought that one day, the eight-year-old who couldn’t make her serve over the net, will finish her college career by playing the NCAA National Championship? Recalling my very first volleyball games inspired me to enjoy every single minute of my last season. I played for the little girl I was once. I still remember like it was yesterday when I held a volleyball for the first time. Back in the day, my only concern was to have fun. Many years later, I found out that was the road to success.

No more practices, no more trips, no more games, that was it. Now that everything has come to an end, I realized how much volleyball means to me. It has given me a life and it will forever be one of the most beautiful parts of my soul. I never thought about how would this end, but making a dream come true seems like a good way to say goodbye. Thanks to everyone who has crossed my path during these four seasons of college volleyball. I will hold the memories near and dear to my heart. Forever thankful.

by Blanca Izquierdo

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