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  • Blanca Izquierdo

Everything is possible

A few months ago, by chance, I found a book that has changed my perspective of life in many ways. The book is called “Todo es posible” which translated into English means “Everything is possible”. It’s written by the Spanish author Alicia Sanchez. She is a middle-aged woman who lives in Barcelona.

Alicia has always been fascinated by science—especially astronomy and physics. Even though she isn’t a scientist, she has read hundreds of books and gathered lots of knowledge in this area. 

One of the first things this book states is coincidences doesn’t exist. Therefore, I would re-write my first sentence: a few months ago, I was supposed to find a book that would change my perspective of life. What I found interesting about this book is a list of shocking scientifically-proven facts. One of them is that all we see around us represents just 0.001% of the reality, the remaining 99.999% (energy, vibration, sound waves, etc.) is invisible to our eyes. Nonetheless, many people just believe what they can see. In my case, knowing that I just see a tiny percentage of the reality, urges me to have faith and trust life.

Another interesting fact is that humans have around 60,000 thoughts a day; 95% of those thoughts are negative. The first time I read this I was confused. I thought, “how 95% of my daily thoughts are going to be negative? I am a super positive person.”  I decided to start paying attention to my thoughts and I realized how toxic some of them were for me.

I grew up in a society where being successful means having people’s validation. In other words, you’re constantly looking for love and acceptance, not from yourself but from others. For many years, my happiness was based on what other people thought of me. In fact, I hated myself for things like not fitting in a zero size or not wearing brand-new clothes to a party. I did many things I didn’t want to do because I wanted people to like me.  When I started to pay attention to my thoughts, I realized all the effort I was putting into things that I didn’t care about; and that began to change. 

Something I learned recently is that everybody has her/his own definition of happiness. Which means, what makes me happy will not make everyone else happy—this is beautiful. Even though I am still searching for a better answer, to me happiness is waking up every morning believing that everything is possible because I am alive. Don’t live the way others told you to. Find your very own definition of happiness, embrace it, and be thankful for it every day of your life. 

The best possible way to end this blog is with one more fact from Alicia’s book: we live in a big blue ball, that spins around a star, in the middle of an infinite universe. How can anything be impossible?

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